

The end of 2009 is upon us--- and what a wonderful year it has been. I've met some amzaing people, reconnected with old friends, work on my relationships with my family, gone out on several limbs at work with my ideas and opinions (some went over well, some did not). I've tried new things, I've been disciplined and worked hard and had great results. And, I've been a slacker, slowed down, enjoyed life and having no real plan. Overall, it's been a successful year. I've learned a lot about myself and the people around me that I love, and who I can count on to the end.

2010 will be another fabulous year. I've got a couple big plans already set in stone. Two trips. One for an amazing several days of fun (VEGAS!!!!). One for racing and testing my strength. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Ironman CDA 2010 will be much better than 2008. First of all, I know what I'm up against. I know I can do it. No matter how much it hurts (and oh geez, IT WILL HURT), how long the day seems, it can be done. Also, I have more people coming to watch me. In 2008 it was just my mom, aunt and cousin- and those tracking me online throughout the day across the country (love you Cali, Ohio, Florida and Pitt). This year my sister and her two girls want to be there, my mom, my cousin, two of my roommates, a couple friends from the area. I'll have my own little cheering section. I might have to get t-shirts! Hmmm, I like polka-dots!! lol.


uh oh!!! i've been caught!! people have been reading my blog that i didn't really know they knew it existed! oh well! it is what it is, and sometimes the best way for me to open up and share how i'm feeling. no unsolicited advice or feedback, just time to bare my soul


Back from Boston

I got back Saturday night from two weeks in the Boston area for work. Yuck!!!! I only got four runs in while I was there, we were working so hard for such long hours. Ugh. On the other hand, it was a lot of overtime pay! Wheee! That'll pay for my Vegas trip that Philip and I booked for March just before I left.

However, those two weeks killed me. I'm feeling so lazy. The weather is terrible, it's always dark outside, and even though it's the holidays I'm miserable, sad and lonely.

I'm excited to go running wiht Phil's dog on Christmas though!

I'll get back on track soon, I have to! Ironman is in six months and five days!!!


hotty hot!

I'm going for my second hot yoga session tonight! Woohoo! However, now I know what I'm getting myself into. Eek. The breathing at the beginning last time made me a little dizzy. I had to lay down a couple times, but overall, I think I did well. Darn good, even!

Cheers to new experiences and successes!


underwater camera

Last Saturday I was supposed to get up early to head to Covington to partake in a swim video clinic. What's this? Get filmed below and above water to see exactly how I swim and what's up with my stroke! Sweet! Anyway, I was going to leave my house at 6:30am (ewwww). However, I woke up at 6:50! OMG! I flew out the door with less than an hour to be to the pool- and a 50 minute drive ahead of me.... if there's no traffic. No traffic, but so much wind and rain! And then my gas light goes on. Oh dear. At least I knew where there was a gas station immediately off the freeway so I wouldn't waste time.

I got to the pool, dashed through the locker room, hitting a bench on the way and leaving a huuuuge purple and black bruise on my inner shin, just in time for a few minutes of warmup before the taping started. Phew.

I believe I actually overheard them say that I'm actually a pretty good swimmer. The things I need to work on 1)Keeping my arms wider on entry- no crossing over! 2) Rotation and body position- hips up! 3) Keeping my arms closer to my body in the pull phase. I think that was it. Oh, and getting stronger and faster of course- but I think that's on everyone's radar.

So, right now when I head to the pool, I will spend less time with laps and more time on drills. Making sure not to let myself get tired and sloppy. When that happens, I pull out the kickboard to give my arms a break, but still get some cardio in. I have it in my head that I'm goign to ROCK Ironman CDA next summer. And by rock, I'm thinking about 1:15 on the swim, 6:45 on the bike, and let's just pray for under 5:00 on the run! That would put me around 13 hours? Can it be done ladies and gents? I believe so. Fingers crossed for a good base build phase, no car accidents in the months prior and no fever the morning of. And figuring out my nutrition!

Here's to smooth swims, long rides and strong runs!


brisk fall run

There's nothing better than a brisk fall evening run with good people. I met up with my old roomie and one of my current roomies for a 5 mile run last night. Old roomie (Joram) is running the Seattle Half Marathon in a few weeks and wanted someone a little faster than him to help push his pace for a shortish run. So, the rain held off and we met at the Sammamish River trail for a run before dark. A simple 2.5 miles out and then back. We warmed up quickly and chatted easily for the first two miles or so, then kind of fell into a zone and the chatter died off. Until about the last three quarters of a mile, Joram started to push the pace a little- so naturally I had to hold him to it. Even though I already knew we were going to easily negative split the run. And negative we did, but exactly 2 minutes over 2.5 miles. Whee!!! What a great run. Afterwards we sat in the parking lot for a few minutes eating banana-nut muffins that Joram had brought. Jacque and I were grateful for the delish!


finding balance...

How does one find balance in life with all the things going on? I'm single, so I have all the time in the world to do what I want, right? Yet, there never seems enough time for it.

I need to train, but I don't want to shower three times a day. And lately I've discovered a love for sleeping in til the last moment. I want to see friends, but we're so spread out in our locations. I want to see that guy... but he's so hot and cold and last minute, but plan ahead... a mess in my brain. I want to be the best triathlete I can be, but don't want to obsess over it. I feel like when I really have dedicated myself to my training, that's all I become. A triathlete. That's all people ask me about. That's all I spend my time doing. I become one dimensional. And that has apparently ruined what I thought was going to be a relationship that would last forever.

Or is that what ruined it? Was that just the excuse given by someone who is so scared of how great things could be because of the people in his past that he just ran away. I'm nothing like them. Or so I've been told. Is he so scared because there's potential for really getting hurt. I'm petrified. I care about him so much, he can definitely hurt me badly. And has. And yet, I return. He's given no real reason why not. Only ideas of why it would be so great and so perfect. Is it just a show? Things he says that he knows will make me happy, make me think, make me wish... so that I stick around... put on the back burner... waiting..... It's hard to believe that. It's been nearly five years since our first date. Yes, I found an old journal and found entries about him. Call it sad, pathetic, or whatever you will. But, even back then I seemed to know this was going to be a long-term something, a whatever it turned out to be. Do I wait? Am I imagining the progression? The words that spilled out of his mouth a few weeks ago to my friends "who would have thought I'd fall in love with a girl with the same name as cheese?" Is it because I haven't actually put it into words exactly how I've felt. I've tried to let my actions do all the talking. The discussion of how we would be married for a year before kids, that I'd need a bigger car to drive them around, how we'd save and retire early.... all topics brought up by him. If this is just a game, it's the cruelest game ever.


it was bound to happen...

I've been what one might consider a "distance runner" since probably fall 2005. About 4 years now. But I've always hopped on the treadmill for 1 to 5 miles since late high school. Running isn't exactly new to me. I've done sports my whole life that usually involved some sort of running, sprinting, jumping or gracefulness.

Last night I decided to go to the gym at work, get in a couple miles on the treadmill and then go home and ride my bike on the trainer for a bit. The weather has been terrible, but I'm in my off-season so I'm taking full advantage of being able to plan my workouts last minute and do exactly what I like.

So, I'm running along on the treadmill at about an 8:30 mile pace, nothing too speedy, but quick enough for me. Jacque is on the treadmill to my right and another guy is two down on my left. And four other people are engaged in various activity around the small gym. Jacque hops off the treadmill to get some water and I continue watching the History channel. An oh so riveting program about Titan (one of Saturn's moons) and their liquid is really methane gas due to the cold etc, etc. Seasons last 7 years, lakes form, etc.... I was actually pretty interested in it. Until out of nowhere...
CRASH, THUMP, BOOM, SPLAT Somehow! I tripped and went down and was flung off the treadmill into the wall behind me. And NO ONE SAW!!! I'm still not sure how it happened. I asked the Guard Station to pull the tape for me, so hopefully they can do that. I have a small burn on my left knee and hit just above my left eye pretty good on something. Luckily no black eye- although that would have been a great story.

And what do I do after this all happens? Jump up, give a gymnastics salute and call out "I'm okay! I'm okay!! Did anyone see that???" Damn, no one did, but they sure are laughing at me! I got back on and walked for a few minutes and then started running, at which point I was laughing so hard I almost did it again. I was done.

Brilliant, Bri, Brilliant!


not sure what to think...

I have so many thoughts spinning round in my head, I'm just not sure what to do with them. Where to even start!
The last couple weekends have been pretty fabulous. Yet, equally confusing.

I've decided not to run the Seattle Half Marathon at the end of November. I think this is for the best. I'm taking some time for me. And going to the gym (or not going) with no real plan in mind. No actual training schedule that MUST be followed. I'm enjoying deciding at the last moment if I want to go for a run, or sit on my bike trainer and spin. I'm enjoying pizza and buckeyes. And sleep. Oh, I am really enjoying sleep. I've never slept this much in my life. Or wanted to sleep this much. I don't even want to drag myself out of bed in the mornings. It's not only that I don't want to do to work (because I don't) but I just want to enjoy doing nothing. And particularly because the company of friends I've been enjoying doing nothing with has been great!

I'm also trying to work on a relationship. I'm not sure it's even a "relationship" but more my interactions with someone. Someone who, the night I got back from Cali, after a few beers started telling people why I'd be such a great wife- and then naming our children. And the following weekend- after a wonderful evening at a comedy show and then some Wii and beers decides to tell me he needs to buy me a bigger vehicle to handle the rain. And the babies. I don't mind all this talk, in fact, I enjoy it. I just wish that he would just say "This is it. Let's do this. Let's be together and see how happy we can be. I know it's scary, because I know how badly we could hurt eachother because we care so much... but let's take that chance" And it will be incredible. Because we ARE so good together. Because we do care so much. It's so hard, because when we do spend time together, alone or with people, he does treat me like his girlfriend. Calls me "baby" and "honey" and holds my hand and kisses me.... for an outsider to see this they would think we were definitely together! Mixed signals. I'm trying to find that perfect balance of showing him how much I care and want to spend time with him, and not being too needy and overbearing. And all I really want right now is go to sushi this week with him.



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Miss me?

It's a simple question really. Not unexpected after someone asks your roommate where you are and then texts asking the same two days later. Why can't he just admit that yes, sometimes he misses me, and obviously has been thinking about me.

Anyway. I didn't run yet today. I haven't exactly been an angel on the diet and hydration. Been to BK twice, Del Taco once and haven't actually had a real meal today. However, I am laying on the beach getting some vitamin D. Which will probably wind up as a burn. I don't really care right now though. I'm in SoCal clearing my head! Or trying to anyway. Things keep sneaking back in. If I were a good triathlete I'd be running along the beach right now. But as I've run near 100 miles along this beach, I will settle for staying put and trying not to get attacked by a seagull.
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love the new shoes!

Jacque and I did a short trail run last night (just under three miles) and I'm so glad we did. Mondays are typically my "off" days but I was on a plane for part of today and did not get a workout in, nor much movement in general. In fact, I'm eating Del Taco and gummy bears for dinner. Horrible!

Anyway, I think Jacque is a convert now too. It's definitely even better running with someone else. Just enough chatting to keep from getting too bored, but little enough that the sounds were primarily the crunching of leaves and twigs under out feet and our breathing. And the ocassional yelp as one of slipped or tripped.

I'm in SoCal right now. For the past four hours. All I've done is pick up the rental car, check into the hotel, drive all over while the sun was setting trying to find a place to eat. There are millions of places but I didn't want to break my budget on the first night, or go somewhere that I would feel totally awkward dining by myself. So, I got fast food to-go and came back to the hotel to watch 90210 and Biggest Loser. Judge me!

Tomorrow I plan on getting in a run early and then trying to meet up with my cousins for a bit. I haven't seen any of them in years even though I'm in Cali once a year. Oh, Cali driving. The land of the U-turn.

Right now I'm trying to decide if I want to meet up with some friends for a beer @ 10, or get to bed and relax and get up early.


to the trails....

I think I've mentioned before my new love of trail running. I think I need to mention it again, just to really drill it in how much I LOVE IT!!!! Jacque and I bought new trail shoes this weekend (mine happen to be Mariner's turquoise and when I wore them to the game that night I got lots of compliments!) Anyway, we're actually going to use them for their designed purpose tonight and do some running out at the Paradise Lake trails. Hmm. Should probably try to hydrate some before then. Coffee and cherry coke have been my beverages today. Just because tri season is over doesn't mean I can totally slack! But alas, Coca Cola is my bestest friend right now. Mmmm, sugar!

And after the trail running, home to find my bikini for my vacation! Oooh, somewhere warm. That was a hint!


Today is my Monday, and my Friday!! That's right I have the remaining four work days of this week off, as well as Monday next week. You can imagine how excited I am. No real plans. Except not to in the the area of the Greater Puget Sound area. I'm sure I'll post from my "far-off" destination. But, I'm going alone with nothing in mind except to relax. Oh, and run of course!

Hmm, maybe I should see if they have a race this Saturday at my destination. Of course, I'm coming home that afternoon, so it'll have to be a short one.


Took a chance

I did it. I put myself out there for him. Took a chance and opened myself up. Nothing. No response. Almost five years and I still feel the way I first did when I saw him strolling down the hallway with his cocky smile. He says he needs to be careful of both our feelings. (Damn the moving). I say you gotta take risks sometimes to find something truly amazing.
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Half marathon- here I come!

I'm getting into this half marathon training pretty well. However, I've been a concert-going, party-animal fool. Tomorrow will be my fourth concert in less than two weeks! Suagr Ray, Pink, Poalo Nutini and finally Colbie Caillat (sp?). Super excited for tomorrow! Throw in some football watching, Fremont Oktoberfest, and pool at The Garage- I am tired!

Sunday I was just a mess. We all got up pretty early and hung out before dragging ourselves for breakfast at the Maltby Cafe. Possibly my best breakfast experience ever. Headed home and back to bed. For hours. I was so out of it and feeling like crap until one of my roommates grabbed a coke for me. Fifteen minutes later I was a champ. Starting to worry about how crappy I feel if I don't have sugars.

Decided I felt great enough to try out the trails about a mile from the house. AMAZING. Even though I turned off my Garmin for about half of it. The hour went by so fast. I've found a new love with trail running! At least these shorter easier runs. My legs are still a little sore- but the good kind. Like I've been weight lifting. I'm so excited to get muddy this fall!! In fact, I think I'll run there tonight!
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So, this is kind of cool...

Awhile back I was selected, along with 11 other women, from a couple thousand entries, to be in an ad in Women's Health magazine. They flew us to NYC for a couple days of shooting and all around cool stuff. Well, the first ad came out in the October issue yesterday, and while I think I look terrible... I'm in a magazine and you aren't. So there :) Just kidding, but if you're by a newsstand pick up the October issue of Women's Health (Christina Applegate is on the cover) You can find out how Michelle Obama got those arms, how to shrink your belly AND find the best jeans for your body. Oh and when you're done looking at those jeans, turn the page (to page 60) and check me out. Nerdy quote and all. I swear that's not exactly what I said, but oh well. And does anyone else think Christina Applegate is just too cute?



Nine months from today I turn 30. That's the most depressing thing I think I've heard.

On another more uplifting note- I started training for the Seattle half marathon. One of my favorite races and the one I hold my 1/2 PR at. Let's see how much better I can do this year. I'm still in the goal setting phase but I'm hoping for 1:48. Go big or go home
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I feel as though I've aged a lot over the past few months. Like I look old now. I attribute a lot of it to my thinning face. I'm not exactly losing a lot of weight, but I think my face looks gaunt and horrid. I hadn't noticed too much until I found pictures from just a couple summers ago. Woe is me :(
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I have found my arm warmers!
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It appears as though Seattle is rapidly moving into fall- or at least it did this last long weekend of summer. Torrential (sp?) Downpours and even a tornado. Yes. Tornedo in western Washington. Apparently we have one every two years or so. Interesting. Anyway, we had enough clear weather on Saturday for ex-roomie and I to take a trip to Ikea (where I was oddly recognized) and then to my mom's to pick up a futon. Dry weather the entire time.

Sunday I tried to go for a bike ride and explore my new area and wouldn't you know, as soon as I got down the block it started to drizzle. And then downpour. I had opted out of a rain jacket in favor of a warm long sleeved fleece lined jacket, shorts and knee warmers. I would have worn the rain jacket but I can't find my arm warmers! This is critical. I LOVE those things. For running, for cycling, for hanging out in general. Ok not really, but they are frequently used as I prefer tanks and arm warmers over long sleeves. Odd, I know. At least it's back to sun this week so I have a few more days to look... So much for riding to work though!
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Have a Heart!

For the third year (and second time as a Team Co-Captain) I'm participating in the American Heart Association Heart Walk. Team name: Sexy in Sneakers. How great is that? I know you're jealous. How can you become part of such a cool phenomenon? You can click here to donate! I know it's slow going this year with economy down the tubes, but this is important!

When I was six, my maternal grandmother died of a heart attack. I remember just a horrible feeling in the house and then my mom was gone for a few days and my other grandparents came to stay with my sister and I. He lived in WA and at the time we lived in Northern CA, but were only weeks away from moving to Germany.

Did you know the Heart Association also raises money and researches to combat against stroke? Just over three years ago, my first niece was born (Emily). She had a minor stroke the day she arrived- nearly a month early. Bet you didn't know that stroke in infants is almost as common as it is in the elderly. However, she's 3 now, a little firecracker and my future triathlete.

And just a couple months ago, the day after my 29th bday, I was at my mom's getting ready for my first triathlon of the season the next day. My dad was there too and he seemed a little off. Tired, dizzy, etc. I thought it was because he wasn't stressed and not taking care of himself and eating enough- so I forced some food on him. My aunt (the retired OR Nurse) checked his blood pressure and pulse and everything seemed ok. But I was still worried. After much convincing he finally went to the doctor. As it turns out, he had a minor stroke. Right there in front of us. Looking back, he showed some of the symptoms but we had no clue. Fortunately it was so minor that he doesn't have any effects from it, but they're still running a bunch of tests to see what's going on. (Dizziness, nausea, fainting, fatigue, etc) So far, CT Scan, MRI and then an ENG? Checking his heart, his head, his ears.... So basically- the Heart Walk is important to me! Please help spread the word!


Almost done!

Well tomorrow I will officially be done moving. It's about time, I feel like I have been doing this forever- and I haven't been able to work out in days. I really don't count 12-14 hours a day packing, cleaning and carrying heavy things up and down stairs a real workout. Also not a fan of one meal and some snacks a day. Now I can take some time organizing all my stuff that is in the shed and maybe get rid of some junk! Yay!!!
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The days leading up to LS 70.3 were less than spectacular. I’ve been in kind of fog.   However, this seemed to work to my benefit. I wasn’t stressing out about things like I normally would. Where’s my bike pump. What am I going to eat? I don’t like this water bottle. I hate spandex. Ugh, my wetsuit chokes me… and so on.

Except, when I went to the Expo and required Athlete meeting with my mom and roommate, I got nervous that I wasn’t getting nervous. I was way too calm for something like this. I even slept pretty well the night before- except for waking up at 3am and then starting to panic and not be able to eat.

Mom and I left for the course early so we could find parking and get to Transition. Piece of cake, we scored total Rock Star parking. I put all my stuff in Transition and wandered around hitting the porta-potties a couple times. Of course, the last time I had already put my wetsuit on…. Do you know how hard it is to pee with a wetsuit halfway on? Squeezing your legs together, trying to not let the arms touch the disgusting ground?

Anyway, they had to delay the start a little bit because of the amount of fog on the lake. Seriously, you couldn’t even see the little buoys that are supposed to lead you along! So, at 6:56 we jumped into the water and cheered each other on, and at 6:57 the horn blew and women 29 and under took off.

I’m a terrible swimmer. Mainly because I don’t swim straight. I swim right. And on this course, you keep the buoys on your left… so naturally I veer waaaay off course. I knew my swim wouldn’t be great, but it was basically the goal to make it through without killing my shoulder. About 42 minutes later I emerged and felt awesome. I raced through T1, but also took my time, and headed out on the grueling, hilly bike course.

I love this bike course. It’s not flat by any means, but it’s got some great climbs and some fast descents. But I loooove this bike course. It’s gorgeous. Green canopies keep you pretty well shaded and the turns keep it interesting. However, coming up to the end of the second loop I thought they were going to bring us back to town one way… I was wrong. And somehow I had change my bike computer to the second setting and thought I was four miles ahead of myself. Oops. I stopped eating a drinking a little too early. Oh well.

As I came up to Transition I heard a few people yell my name and others just cheering in general. I love that feeling! A slow T2 and I decided that since the porta-potty was open this was my best opportunity. I definitely stayed hydrated on the bike. Has anyone else ever noticed how hard it is to pee fast, when you REALLY want to pee fast??

Running out of T2 I felt pretty good. Muscles were firing, back felt good, the weather was great. The only thing that killed was the bottom of my feet- which was strange because they were pretty numb.

My half marathon time was 2:12 and change. Not too shabby since I starting walking some about three miles in when my quads started to burn. Like on fire. I saw one woman pull out of the race not even two miles into the run and I almost started crying for her. She looked so sad and in so much pain. It was all I could do but to hug her. But I kept going. Chatting with people here, cheering for people there, thanking volunteers who gave me cup after cup of Gatorade and water. And finally, I turned the corner and could see the finish line.

And of course, I thought to myself….. “Katie, this one is for you!” And I cruised across the finish line with a smile on my face and headed to find some pizza. Because really, what else is better after being in motion for 6:11:16 than a greasy slice of pizza???


Taking time

The half ironman this past weekend went amazingly well. I will definitely blog about it this weekend. Right now I've been enjoying some down time (and cake) packing and moving some stuff and trying not to think about certain things. Do I have one more race in me this season? I hope so. Maybe an Olympic- the unconquered distance.
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Well, tomorrow is the half ironman. When I signed up to do this race in December I had these lofty goals of finishing the bike in three hours flat, taking a couple minutes off the swim and posting one of my better half marathon times. The other night I decided "who cares?" So what if I wind up being completely last? As long as I'm in under 8 hours. I need to just enjoy it. I love this sport and even the pain that comes with it as much as the blanket approval to eat nonstop from March to September. I know I'll finish tomorrow and I know it will likely hurt like hell at many times. My biggest concern is actually getting through the swim. Always my most fearful part- but with my shoulder bothering me a good deal during pool workouts and the number of times I've been in open water this year totalling 4, a decent time isn't promising. I can't complain though. I'm still able to do the race. So many people I know haven't been able to race due to injury or illness. This one's for you Katie.
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4 days and counting!

Okay, so Half Ironman is now 4 days away. Am I still thinking that I'm unprepared?? Totally. Am I questioning if it's sane to even start the race on Sunday? Totally. Am I still sick with a terrible cough? Totally. Ugh.

What to do, what to do? If I hadn't missed two races earlier this year for weather related reasons (one toooo cold and one waaaay too hot) it'd be much easier to say no to this weekend. If I hadn't spent $200 on the entry, or been looking forward to this weekend since December, it'd also be easier to say no.

But really, how does one say no? If I don't race, I'll be in a big funk and all depressed all day and for weeks after. But if I do, I become such a nervous wreck (probably starting Friday) that I'm no fun to be around. (And btw, I don't actually race a Half Ironman, pretty much just "do").

What to do?


Have you ever had your heart broken? I have. It hurts like hell.



Ok, so Half Ironman is less than two weeks away. And what's that.... Bri is sick?? Yes! I had a fever over the weekend. However, that was short lived- and I spent much time sleeping. I don't know if I'll be able to make it through this one. Honestly. Between being out of shape, having super hot Seattle weather for weeks and just having other things going on outside my triathlon self, I've been slacking.

I can't believe I'm saying this. I'm regretting signing up for IM CDA next summer. I much rather enjoy the sprints. And would love to maybe try an Olympic. I love having a life! Reading books. Seeing friends. Sleeping in. Beer. It's all so wonderful!


I had the best race today! Another year at the Federal Escape. 1st in age group, 3rd woman overall. This year is paying off!


I have been terrible about posting the last few weeks. Technical issues and traveling. I will be better!


forgot to mention...

I had my best 5k time ever at 5 Mile this weekend :) I averaged at 7:35 mile pace! Super!


first race of the season!

Well, it came and went. And it went stupendously!

I went down to my mom's last night so I'd be right by the race course. Sleeping in my old high school bedroom was a little odd- it always is. I just couldn't sleep last night, it was so hot.

Anyway, I woke up at 6 this morning, got dressed and tried to eat some breakfast. Mmmm, peanut butter and strawberry jelly Uncrustables (trust me, they're great!). Unfortunately, that was all I got since I forgot the second one and my banana at my mom's.

We left for the course at 6:30 and I quickly set up my transition area (perfect rack assignment). Almost immediately I run into Misha from work. We ALWAYS find each other right away. I chat briefly with some other members of RTB and hit the bathrooms twice before running a warm up lap around the park. Somehow, time got away from me so I didn't get a warm up swim in. Oh well. I was feeling excited.

I was in the third (of four) waves and waited patiently chatting with other athletes. And then we were off. I didn't have the best swim, but it wasn't bad. I flew through T1, only getting hung up on my timing chip with my wetsuit for a moment, mounted my bike and was off. This was the first time racing this bike with a computer on it. And only my second time racing it!!! There was a lot of leapfrogging between me and a couple other girls. I came to found out later that we were the leaders!!!

Again, I zoomed through Transition and was off on the run. And I was feeling super. Incredible. Amazing! And then a couple minutes into it, I got passed by a woman like I was standing still (she went on to be the first woman finisher and beat me by over 4 minutes- posting an 18 minute 5k!!!) And then I think two more woman passed me-but that was it! I kept them in decent sight at least. However, there were two waves of women, so I wound up 9th woman overall. 2nd in my AG out of 11, and 43 person out of 229. Not a bad finish!

My mom got some decent pictures. But the best is the video she got of me running out of the water and blowing a snot rocket as I passed her. Classy!

I leave in a couple days for Ironman CDA as a finish line volunteer. I'm super excited!


happy day!!!

It's my birthday!!!!

Hooray! The big 2-9 today! And the weather is Seattle is stupendous! What a fabulous couple of weeks we've been having. Last night I hooked up my new cadence/speed sensor to my bike- however I didn't take it out. I was all primed for a run. 2 miles downhill, 2 miles back UP hill. The first 1.5 a gradual climb back up and then nearly the last half mile hitting a 9% grade. And I'm so proud of myself. I kept it steady on the downhill and rocked the climb. My Garmin showed a pretty smooth line, and for 4 miles I ran just over 33 minutes. Not stellar by any means, but that hill... seriously. It usually makes me walk!




Short and sweet. I live in the Seattle area. We are famous for rain and gray. Or that's what everyone thinks at least. We usually get one week in July that's insanely hot (for us) somewhere in the 90's, and then for the most part the rest of our summer is beautiful. 70's and 80's with some rainy days here and there to keep everything green. Well, these past couple weeks have been unusually toasty. I just heard on the news that the the city over from where I live hit 98 today. Ugh! Not very windy- so more humidity than I'd like.

On the plus side- the winds have kicked up pretty good tonight so I'm taking full advantage of getting some gusts through my bedroom before I shut down for the night. At least it's only supposed to be 76 tomorrow, and then 69 on Saturday when I do a practice run at next weekend's sprint course.

Okay, time to lose some clothing and try to get comfortable instead of sweltering!


yes, i would like something to eat...

I met with a nutritionist and dietitian last week. I've been in kind of a slump over the past few months just not really feeling like I was putting everything out there that I could during a workout and not recovering from them very quickly either. It's hard to have the constant lead-legs feeling.

Well, unsurprisingly- they don't think I eat enough. Based on my body fat, age, weight, etc they say I should be eating about 2400 a day-- when i DON'T workout. And then on those big workout days- you know a 18 mile run or 50 mile ride I get to chow down on about 4500 to 5000. Hooray! And they think I need to gain just a couple pounds. Permission to eat? Yes!!!

However, this is much harder than I thought. I feel like I'm never really at home- and I honestly haven't been much. Between work, working out, friends and hanging out with a boy- I feel like I've only spent enough time at home to sleep, do laundry and repack gym bags. Oy. Luckily the boy feeds me pretty well. Last night was some delicious BBQ followed by chocolate cake while watching a movie. A girl could get used to that!

In short, I'm really trying to keep a better eye on my protein/carb intake. Apparently I tend to overestimate the amount of calories in food.

For example- Saturday morning I got up at six and very slowly got myself ready to run up in Lake Stevens. I was planning on doing as much of the could do of the 70.3 course safely. (I wound up doing 18 miles). However, I only ate two hard-boiled eggs, a bagel and some mixed nuts before I ran. I drank Gatorade Endurance the entire time and took two GU. And when I finished- my feet hurt!!! I tried to nosh on some more nuts but they were seriously gagging me. Luckily, I'd thrown some Perpetuem powder into a bottle so I was able to get some calories from there.

I guess I recovered pretty well. Enough for another fire pit/s'mores night anyway :)


motor? or bi?

Last night I had my first opportunity to ride on the back of a motorcycle. Not a full on Harley or anything, just a Honda sport bike. And I loved it! I know I wasn't the best passenger ever- but I definitely wasn't the worst. I think my problem was that I'm used to being on my bicycle where I'm in charge, where I watch the corners and judge my own braking and speed. Instead, I was on the back, slipping back on my seat every time we accelerated and trying not to crash into my chauffeur every time he braked.

Although, the first time I got on my Cervelo (and subsequently every time it's been awhile) I got nervous. Like I'd never ridden a bicycle before in my life. So, after the ride I got a pat on the back and a "good job and don't worry, you'll get more comfortable as we ride more" At least I didn't get a "heck no! you're never going out again!" So, I consider it a complete success.

And afterwards, we washed my car. Lovely.

I do hate to admit though, I skipped my workout last night for that. And I'm skipping again tonight to meet some friends for drinks at Green Lake. A local hot spot when the sun starts shining.

At least I'm making up for it tomorrow morning. Early. With an 18 to 20 mile run.

Yesterday morning I met with a nutrionist. Just wasn't feeling that I'm fueling or recovering correctly. I'll have more on that this weekend.


more POWER

I've decided I really need more strength and power in my legs. So, I'm back to the heavy weights.

Last weekend I went for a 16.5 mile run Saturday morning and then dragged my roomie down to Lake WA with me for a 'swim' Basically, I got into the water and complained about how cold it was for a few minutes before taking a few strokes. Standing up and then complaining again. I didn't last long.

That night I was so tired that we just hung out on the couch watching basketball with a few beers. Lovely.

Sunday morning I headed up to Lake Stevens to ride the trail and part of the Half Ironman course. That's when I decided my legs are wimpy. I climbed one little hill about 30 miles in and wow, my legs were burning!!!

Great weekend for workouts though- a stretch of beautiful weather in Seattle. It's supposed to be around 70 or higher for at least the next ten days! Yay, maybe the nice weather will even last through my birthday and my first tri of the season. Fingers crossed!


sunscreen is your FRIEND

Disclaimer: 9 times out of 10 I wear sunscreen when I go out for a run if a nice warm day (yes, I know I should wear it in the winter too)

However, Sunday morning I was feeling the effects of a really good Saturday night. I mean, REALLY good night. Anyway, I got home and decided that I'd take out my P2C for an hour long ride. It was warm, after noon and I was in a hurry. As soon as I got down to the trail and started riding I remembered that I forgot sunscreen. I decided that it wasn't going to be a major issue and kept riding. Well, see below for the horrifying consequences and really, the picture does no justice to the actual coloring. (please ignore my love handles):

Yup. Good times. I was back for another BBQ at the same location on Sunday night as I was Saturday and they have now taken back my nickname of "Casper" Not exactly the way I wanted to lose the name. Oh well, Sunday night was also a wonderful night. Possibly the best weekend of the year thus far.

Anyway, today is Tuesday and I stayed home from work. Just felt kinda blah this morning. My feeling and mood was probably egged on by the crappy day here. After several days of sunshine- back to grey clouds and rain in Seattle. Oh well, it makes us that much happier for sunny days.

Oh! And I just found out where I'll be as a volunteer at Ironman CDA this summer. I've been put on finish line t-shirts. Everyone kept telling me to try to get somewhere that I'd be done early, but really? What's more rewarding than being right there at the finish line? I'm so excited!


how does one fix a flat?

Yesterday morning I got up early for a bike ride. It was still a bit chilly so after eating breakfast I hung out watching some TV for a bit. Around nine I finally dragged myself off the couch and finished gathering up all my necessary stuff. I grabbed my bike, checked my tired-and wouldn't you know. My rear tire was flat! I haven't had a flat in almost two years, and silly me, I never actually practice changing them (bad idea). I ask my roommate for some help getting the chain off. And because he's such a great guy he sits in the hallway by the front door with me. I think he was more or less there to laugh at me. But it never hurts to get some practice with this stuff, even if he was mostly just watching. Needless to say. It went badly. For the life of me I couldn't get the tire levers to actually remove the tire. We couldn't find a hole in the tube, so we replaced it and we're going to check out the old one this week in the bathtub. Anyway, after about twenty minutes of my lackluster technical abilities I finally had the tube replaced and the wheel back on. My hands were covered in dirt and grease, as were my legs. I even had grease on the back of my arm. I have no idea how it got there.

Needless to say, I was now not looking forward to riding- even though the day was beautiful. I was now worrying that I'd get a pinch flat, so I rode around the neighborhood for a few minutes. Everything seemed good, so I headed out to find some hills. About three miles in, I was on a slow steady climb and I sucked down a bug and it got stuck in the back of my throat. There I am, on a narrow shoulder on a climb, with cars whizzing by me on the left and I'm choking. Not just coughing, but that panicky cough where you can't get breath. And then it hits me, drink something dummy!

And now all I could think of is what else could go wrong on this day?? Luckily nothing! It was a nice easy 33 miles. I wore enough sunscreen so that I'm only slowly getting a tan. Well, that was yesterday. Today, I completely forgot sunscreen. I was out for only an hour, but I left later in the day. Yup. It's pretty obvious. Oh well. Last night I walked into a BBQ wearing shorts and I was greeted with "What's up Casper?" and "Holy white legs!" and then of course the remarks of "Aren't' you a runner? Don't' you wear shorts year round?" Punks!

Oh well, it's finally summer weather in Seattle and I'm going to take pride in my Casper legs.


oh sunny day!

It's such a lovely day and I have nothing better to do right now than to sit on my balcony and watch my cat explore- so I might as well post about my ride today.

First of all- the things I had to write about before.

1) I was out running in my neighborhood the other day, less than a mile into a 3.5 mile loop that takes me around the grocery store. I was running on the shoulder of a pretty busy road and ahead I see a cyclist coming towards me. Then I realized- it's not a bicyclist- it's a unicyclist! Fabulous! Except, as he passes by me, I see that both of his knees are bloodied. Awww

2) I'm a moron. I went for a ride last Sunday and since I didn't want to deal with my hill on the way back I drive the couple miles to a trail head of the trail that runs around Lake Washington. I venture off the trail into the next couple towns and basically have a great ride. As I return to the parking lot, I see my roommate leaving so we chat for a minute. I then change my shoes, put my bike on my roof, finish my second water bottle, check my cell phone and hop in the car and drive away. About halfway home it hits me that I didn't put my front wheel in my car!!! U-TURN!!! Get out of my way you slow drivers! I go flying back to the parking lot and there in the middle of the spot I had been parked in- my front wheel. A few people laugh as I jump out of my car and grab it. Oops!

3) My awesome friends. So, there's three people at work that I've been running with and "convinced" to run a half marathon. It didn't really take too much. So, I found and modified some training programs to fit their schedules. We've been running together and I've been giving them advice and stories about races and kind of letting them know what they might expect. The other day I get a meeting invite from one of them. And at 4:30- suddenly they're all in my cubicle. "Um. hi guys" And basically they tell me that they wanted to say thanks for keeping them motivated and getting them to do this and all that good stuff. And Jacque pulls a huge gift bag out. Immediately I start blushing. They got me a hooded sweatshirt that says "Coach" on the front left chest, and across the back says "Coach Caldara" How cute are they. They're always saying "Coach, how far are we running today" "Is this a good idea Coach?" and such. It's become such a joke that I just started almost talking third person "Coach doesn't think you should run if your knee is sore" Stuff like that. They almost made me cry. Seriously.

And tomorrow I will post about my ride today. It started terribly. Got worse and then ended wonderfully!


I'm sitting here on a gorgeous Saturday morning (watching terrible teen movies on TV) with both my cat and my laptop on my lap. Yes, my cat thinks he's a laptop. I'm kind of jealous that he can just crawl wherever he wants and fall asleep. That's pretty much all I want to do right now- curl up in my bed or on the couch or wherever and just sleep. Just no motivation. I'm barely even motivated to write- even though a lot of stuff has been going on.

So, here's what I need to talk about in my next post:

missing front wheel
my awesome friends/future half-marathoners

And now, I'm going to go slide into some spandex and head out for a ride. It's a bit chilly- but it's better than the rain the other day I rode to work in!


Pittsburgh review

First of all, I got to listen to Bill Rodgers (Boston Billy) speak at the Expo for a little bit on Friday. My sister later called my mom to tell her that I was like a little kid excited about Santa, staring at him from the audience like he was a rock star. Well, he is!!

Okay, so Sunday morning I woke up at 4:30- after hardly sleeping at all the night before. My sister, bro-in-law and the kids got up right after I did and we were actually pulled out of the driveway by 5am, which was the goal. I only at a banana and part of a Cliff bar at the house, and then munched on fruit snacks and drank water in the car. We were downtown and parked before 5:30. There was literally no traffic. Nothing at all like the Seattle marathon. So, we had two hours to kill. Ouch. We wandered around a little bit and took some pictures by the Philips Respironics sign. Of course, I was wearing my BC gear!

I finally went to check my gear around 6:30 and then hit up the porta-potties. OMG. I have never stood in line for a bathroom for so long. I probably got in line at 6:45 or 6:50 and when the race started at 7:30, I was just finishing up. So, needless to say, I didn’t get a chance to warm up or stretch. Not good.

But, I was there, it was a pretty warm day, and there was nothing else to do but run through this strange city, without my iPod. (When I crossed the chip mats, I happen to look to my left and saw Bill Rodgers- I kind of contemplated running over to him and shaking his hand, but thought better of it).

Overall, the course was pretty good. It was crowded of course for about the first two miles and then spread out nicely. However, around mile 3, both of my IT bands and my right knee started aching so badly that I thought I would have to drop out. So, I didn’t get to look around as much as I wanted to, I was focusing on gritting my teeth and not stepping in any potholes. It definitely wasn’t a tough course for a half, a few rollers, but nothing any Seattleite couldn’t handle. :)

It started raining on me around mile 10 or 11- by that point I was having to walk some to save my poor knees. The wind was coming in pretty good, so after I crossed the third bridge and I only had less than a mile to I had to stop and put my arm warmers back on.

It was my second best half marathon time, but I was still pretty disappointed with it. Oh well.


i'm slacking!

Okay, so I ran the Pittsburgh Half Marathon four days ago- and I have yet to post my race report/review. But- I will. I promise. I have plenty to say!


mini inspirations

Two mini reasons for tri's and running. My future marathoning nices.


navigational morons

Well, I'm ready for the run on Sunday. As ready as I will be I guess. I'm still so jet-lagged that I didn't get a run in today. I slept in until about 8:30 at which point I got up and had some yogurt with Emily. When I finally looked outside, it was pouring! Like, Seattle downpour! Yuck.

So, instead, I hung out with my nieces this morning. We watched the Curious George movie- twice. After my b-i-l headed to work, my sister and I got the kids ready and headed downtown. Okay, so I've only been downtown into Pittsburgh once before. And my sister is terrible with directions and doesn't drive in the city. We checked the map and figured "Convention Center" piece of cake. Take one of the bridges right into downtown and there will be signs. Well, downtown Pitt is not easily navigated. For me at least. We wound up going the wrong way at first with comments of "really? it's a big building, there will be signs! for the center AND the run!" Finally, we found it, parked and the kids were of course fast asleep. Emily slept through the entire thing. Lilly woke up and batted her eyelashes at everyone. I was so excited, I got to listen to Bill Rodgers speak for a bit. Unfortunately I didn't get to meet him, and we got overly lost on the way to Fleet Feet Sports so I didn't get to see him there either. Bummer.

However, I did pick up a pair of compression leg sleeves. Not sure I'll wear them on Sunday, but I'm at least excited to wear them on the flight home on Tuesday and see if this helps with the ridiculous swelling I experience when I fly. Cankles! I get serious cankles!!

Anyway, hoping to get a run in tomorrow morning before we head back downtown. We want to get a better idea of the parking situation since my sis and I are complete navigational morons.


humidity wins

I arrived in Pennsylvania yesterday morning around 8am. I was so exhausted leaving Detroit that I don't even remember pushing back from the gate. Luckily, the plane was pretty empty so I had an entire row to myself so I could stretch out. Sweet!

After my sister and her girls picked me up and we hit up Starbucks, I went to bed. Emily decided to take a nap with me. In a twin bed. It was actually really sweet. She cuddled up with me and sang me to sleep. And then I awoke to her repeatedly brushing my hair off my cheek and forehead.

It was slow going yesterday. We took plenty of time getting ready, and I took advantage of playing with the kiddos. I won Lilly over playing airplane. Although, as a 9 month old, she still only really likes Mommy and Daddy. Emily, however, only wants Auntie B. Except when tell her not to do things like kick her sister.

Yesterday we ran some errands and did some grocery shopping. I made a fabulous dinner or whole wheat penne pasta, chicken, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli, mushrooms, red peppers and water chestnuts in an olive oil sauce. I loved it. My sister was okay with it. Emily picked pasta out of my bowl. And then it was an early night for me.

This morning I slept in until about 9:30, even though I could hear a tiny voice "B? Wake up, B" Anyway, I finally got up, scarfed down a banana and went for a run. OMG. It was pretty warm. And humid. And hilly. Downtown Pittsburgh- flat. Pleasant hills- HILLS. I only made it about 2.6 miles and was drenched in sweat and my heart rate out of control. Anyway, I came back and shortly after, a downpour started that came and went for the rest of today.

Sunday is definitely going to be a difficult time.


Pittsburgh Bound

Woohoo!! Tomorrow night I leave for Pittsburgh to run the Philips Respironics Half Marathon this coming Sunday. This race is extra important/special to me for a couple reasons. 1) I haven’t run a half marathon in about a year and a half 2) I actually work for Philips, so it’s really cool to see my company getting involved in something like this- of course I’ll be wearing my BC gear instead of my company logo :) and 3) My big sister lives just outside Pittsburgh and I definitely don’t need an excuse to visit her and her two adorable daughters. I even get to take part in a Princess party while I’m there as the older one turns three in a few weeks. I just can’t say no to those pleading eyes and “Pllleeeease B!!!” And why would I want to?
Two summers ago, when my niece was just over a year old, my sister was visiting Washington with her for the summer. They cheerfully got up early and came to my races and little Emily became my biggest cheerleader. Kids will take any excuse to clap and squeal! Now, as she starts to grow up, I hope she still stays excited for racing. She is a huge reason why I race. On the day she was born, she had a minor stroke and was in NICU for a week. She’s doing fabulously now- but anytime I’m racing and it starts getting tough- I think about what that tiny little girl went through in the first three months of her life. And now, I get the chance to run in her hometown and get welcomed back to the finish line by her little squeals of “Yay B!!”



I like nature. I don’t think nature likes me. For example, I get pooped on by birds more often than I think the average person should. In fact, one time I was out with a guy I was seeing and a bird pooped on my dinner plate. Luckily I was done eating. We broke up the next day. Last fall, I had to go to Florida for work, so I was pretty excited to get some warmth and hang out with some coworkers. The guy from Canada and I were really excited about all the tiny geckos running around the pool. But they were impossible to get a picture of. I had just told a Florida coworker this as we were walking into a restaurant to meet up with other people- when out of nowhere, something falls from a tree and lands on my head. Yes, a tiny lizard was caught in my hair. Naturally, I screamed. I’m not scared of them- but it was in my hair!!

So, this weekend, was just another example of the “nature” things that happen to me. Saturday was gorgeous so I went for a 13 mile run. About three miles in, I’m running along and singing to myself, when a large bug flies into my mouth! The cyclists riding by the other direction I’m sure had a great laugh at me trying to spit it all out while still running.

The next day, I decide to go for a bike ride. On my way down to the trail, I see deer. This isn’t too uncommon because I do live on a greenbelt, but this little family was hanging out on the sidewalk. I blame clear-cutting. Some developer is building a huge new complex right there and I’m sure wiped out the deer families home. So, it saddens me for a bit, but I can’t dwell too much, the land has already been destroyed- so on to the trail. Halfway through my ride, I see a snake. A little black and green thing. I scream. Like a girl. Like a five year old little girl. I hate snakes. Really hate them. Petrified of them even. Ew. I’m getting creeped out just thinking about it.

Moving on. Yesterday was gorgeous. I had to ride my bike to work. There was no way I was going to let such a beautiful day pass by. So, back to the trail to take a more scenic route to work. I’m noticing the mist rising off the slough. The chirping of birds, a few squirrels running about and thinking what a great day it is. I come around a corner and there is duck sleeping on the middle of the path, a few chickens running around and then some pigeons. Two on the right, one on the left. I make a bit of whistling sound to alert them to my presence and the two on the right take off, and then the one on the left does as well- first flying left and then realizing his buddies when right. He turns around and flies right into my hand! I tried to swerve as I realized he was about to hit me, but we apparently had the same swerve pattern. He just clipped me with his wing, but it definitely startled me.

Seriously. This is the kind of stuff that happens to me ALL the time!!!



I always think of great things to do or write about when I'm out running-- and things are going well. And then after several more miles, pain sets in and my thoughts go out the window. Okay, so it's not always pain, more often it's my wandering mind. And it's killing me! I went for a 13.4 mile run this afternoon (since it appears spring has come to Seattle for the next couple days) and I remember thinking about something around mile 4 or 5 and thinking to myself "ooh, I should blog about that!! that's a great idea!" And now, I can't remember for the life of me what it was!

Anyway, GREAT run! An out and back on the Sammamish River Trail that was a little windy on the way back- but it always is. I have realized lately that I need about two miles to get a good warm up.

On another note, I got my bike tuned up this week. And added a couple more water bottle cages behind the seat. Yay!! It's supposed to be even nicer tomorrow so I'm definitely headed out for a long ride tomorrow. Definitely excited about getting myself lost around town.

Minor, Jacque and Chris are still training for the half marathon in June. Minor is probably ready to kill me. He headed to Georgia for the week and he's got a nine mile run scheduled for tomorrow- in the heat and humidity of Atlanta. hahaha. I'm just waiting for a pissed off text message. And poor Jacque has come down with a nasty cold.


bike crash

Yesterday after work Minor, Jacque and I went for a run up the Bothell-Everett Hwy. Just over a mile into it, we hear this terrible sound. As we look across the rush hour traffic, we realize there's a cyclist laying in the road. He was face down on the asphalt, his ride arm and shoulder contorted to a terrible angle. Minor wouldn't even look at it- but I couldn't look away.

We stood there on the opposite side of the road, unsure of what to do as people started to get out of their cars and figure out what happened. From what we could tell, some kid in a Camry turned right into a gas station right in from of the commuter cyclist and took him out right there in the bike lane. I don't know how this kid didn't see the guy- he was wearing a bright yellow jacket. And not yellow like the Morton salt girl's rain slicker, that kind of neon yellow that almost hurts your eyes to see it. Looking at the cyclist's legs, he was in great shape and most likely very familiar with riding in traffic.

Anyway, it was completely horrifying for me. The image kept running over and over in my head last night, and then again during work today. I've never actually seen a crash, just pictures of the aftermath.



drafting off a toothpick

It has been gorgeous in Seattle for the past couple days, I finally got out my bike tonight.

I'd been daydreaming all day about getting down to the trail and cruising along in the sunshine so after work I spend a few minutes in the gym getting a quick weight workout and then I impatiently drove to downtown Bothell to start spinning my out of season legs.

I haven't bought a bike computer so I decided to throw on my Garmin and also keep track of my heart rate. The sun was incredible. Although, my bike definitely needs a tune up. I've finally put enough miles on it that the cables need to be checked.

Anyway, I decided a quick out and back would be good for today. Just after my turnaround point a guy pulled up next to me and then ahead so I decided to drop in and draft off him for a bit. I was in a pretty tough gear and keeping my cadence lower than his and keeping up without a problem. After a few miles I pulled ahead of him and he dropped in after me for a few miles. He finally pulled up next to me and said, "you're like drafting off a toothpick!" Probably the funniest thing I've heard while riding in a long time. So, we started talking, he asked me about Ironman and my Cervelo P2C- said it looked like a perfect fit for me. Which was awesome to hear since I had some trouble getting fitted since my legs are so long and my torso so short. Turns out Jeremy just moved here from MN and works not too far from me. We ended our ride and I headed home. Hopefully I'll run into him again down there. He was about my pace and could be a good riding buddy. Unfortunately, he also looks like 75% of the guys out there on the trail so hopefully I'll be able to recognize him. He's got one up on me on that, my bike is kind of obvious and he pointed out my M-dot on my leg.

Anyway, it wound up being 17 mile ride and my average heart rate was 136 for the 58 minutes I rode. I'm definitely not ready for my first sprint tri of the season this coming Saturday. Eek!!


taking days off

When I started training again this summer I told myself that I would always take at least one day off from training and be lazy. I figured Saturday would be the best day for that while I got things with my schedule all figured out. And now, I'm starting to think that's a bad idea. I took yesterday off (partly because I had a wedding to go to in the afternoon) and the entire day I kept asking myself why I didn't drag myself out. The weather was gorgeous!!

Well, I went from the wedding down into the city since a friend of mine was in town and I promised him I'd go out for drinks and dancing. It stayed pretty low-key but we were hanging out in Seattle until 4:30am!! So, I got home a little after 5- just in time to fall asleep and awake shortly after at sunrise and I was starving! Needless to say, I did nothing all day. I laid on the couch and watched terrible tv and movies. And now I'm really mad because I should be training much harder than I have been. Just looking at pictures, I can see how out of shape I still am. The 70.3 I did in 2007 and Ironman last summer got me into amazing shape.

To top it all off, it was 70 degrees in Seattle today! I didn't go for a bike ride, or a run. Ugh. Okay, I need to go turn off whatever Country music award show it is that I'm watching and get myself ready for weights in the AM


it's April???

Well, here it is the 2nd of April and typical to Seattle we had snow yesterday!!! And then a lot of rain today. Eek. My running buddies of recent days decided to stay inside where it was warmer and drier- but not I! I headed outside for a gentle six mile run amidst a complete downpour. Stretching in the rain waiting for my Garmin to sync up to the satellites I wondered if it was a good idea. It turned out to be a GREAT idea. Just over two miles in, I turned and was facing the rush hour traffic that was just sitting waiting for lights to change and I started laughing. Out loud. Very loudly. I couldn’t contain my giggles! Does this happen to anyone else ever? Random rain laughter? I hope it does, it’s one of the best feelings you could get during a run!

Anyway, I've been having pretty good runs lately. Or at least good company while running. Minor, Jacque, Chris and I have been together pretty regularly. A week or so ago I took them on a very wet and muddy four mile run and I thought they would kill me. Jacque is such a good sport that we dropped off the guys at work and she continued for a couple more miles with me. I feel like my friendships with Minor and Jacque are a bit different then they would be if we didn't get a chance to run together. Sometimes we all run in silence, each hurting and lost in our own thoughts. Other days we seem energized and are talking over eachother, joking and jumping in front of eachother. It's amazing how easy it is to talk though. The words just come out and they seem a lot more honest and heartfelt.

For someone who loves to run alone with her own thoughts, this is definitely a change of pace. But very welcomed.

On the other hand, I hurt. I hope it's just shin splints. That's a weird thing to hope for- shin splints, but it's better than the alternative. Stress fractures. I've dealt with both more than once. Tibial stress fractures is something that gives me nightmares and strikes fear into my core at the slightest uncomfortable twinge. I then start to worry- probably over nothing. But, in 2006 I was finally 'diagnosed' with a tibial stress on a Thursday. I was flying to CA the next day to run my first marathon. Except I didn't. I was crushed. It's a really hard to remember that week. But, I definitely use myself as an example for my buddies who are training too hard.


Isn't it supposed to be spring??

It's the end of March and I'm still waiting on some springlike weather. Last Sunday's St Paddy's Dash did a number on me. It was so cold and snowy and gross. All three of us had the same finish time- woohoo!!! Although, it was rather slow :(

Anyway, I spent the entire rest of the day on the couch alternating between freezing and overheating.

Had a couple good runs outside this week with the "running crew". Jacque, Minor and Chris from work, and I, have been doing 3 or 4 milers after work. They are all doing so well, I'm really excited for them to all run their first Half Marathon in June. I'm not so excited for me to run my fourth marathon.

I'm exhausted. Mentally and physically. I think I'm going to talk to my boss about changing my work schedule so I can come in later and get part of my workout done in the morning. Eating dinner at 8:30 isn't cutting it anymore.

Oh, and I got a new pair of running shoes. Under Armour released their first running shoe in January and I'm trying them out. A couple miles on the treadmill on Friday and 6.5 today outside. I'll have a better report on them in a couple days. So far, not too shabby though.


St. Patty's Dash

Jacque and Major talked me into doing the St Patty's Dash tomorrow!! It's supposed to be rainy and cold in Seattle tomorrow. Yay! We've got our green gear and are ready to go.



I've got the cold that just will not go away! It's been about a month now and every time I think I'm getting better I either get a ridiculous cough or a runny nose, and lazy.

Friday I had decided that I would finally make my return appearance to spinning class. Eric let me know that it was at 8:30 Saturday morning, so I made sure to get to bed early on Friday (after seeing Watchmen). I got to the gym at 7:50 and the class was already full. I knew it was a popular class but that's just crazy. I guess they allow 8 slots to be filled up to a week early by pre-paying one dollar. I can kind of see how that might be a good thing during the week with traffic always so crazy- but really! On a Saturday morning??

My spinning buddies got there at 7:30 and were the last two on the list. I hit up the stair machine, saw a co-worker and chatted for a few minutes and then hopped on the treadmill hoping someone wouldn't show up for class. And Hooray!!! At 8:33 Eric came out and told me there was a free bike. Instructor Rick is pretty strict and insists on people being on time, so even if the tardy person had shown up, he may not have let them in. Well, it was pretty apparent that I hadn't been in awhile. But at the end it felt soooo great. Looks like I'm going to be getting myself up on Saturdays now for spinning. Woohoo!


Is my Garmin lazy?

I've gotten sick again. I was feeling kinda crappy towards the end of last week, and then spent Saturday afternoon, evening and all of Sunday on the couch watching lame tv. Yesterday I went into work late because I just needed more sleep. Nighttime cold meds are the devil! They do not help you sleep, they just make you toss and turn and have horrible dreams!

So, tonight after work, I really needed a good workout. I decided to run outside. Jacque and Minor (two friends from work, who have become outside of work friends too) asked if they could come with me. I warned them that I'd be slow and probably coughing up phlegm, but I'd love to have them along! We wound up running 3.2 miles around the business park across the street. It was great to have people to run with! I've never really had that option. Jacque, Minor and I talked and joked the entire time and decided we need to do that at least once a week to change it up and stay motivated.

However, when I came home tonight, I tried to upload the data from my Garmin to my PC and I keep getting an error that it cannot communicate with my PC and to check the connections. Well, I double checked the cord, and it works fine. The Garmin itself is still logging data- it's just that connection between device and PC. Ugh!!! I don't want to lose my data! Luckily, I only have one run not uploaded, but still!

I was looking forward to another run tomorrow (supposed to have snow by the weekend?!??!) maybe I'll have to swim- everyone knows I could definitely work on that!


Trail Run!

This past week my roommate and I decided that it was time for us to venture off the roads and treadmills and onto some trails. This was a discussion that has taken place over a long period of time, but I think my recent Garmin Forerunner 305 purchase helped push us over the edge. Along with some persuasive suggesting from a guy at work that it would be good to help strengthen muscles and stave off boredom.

So, Major and I decided that Saturday morning, 8am, it was on. I was out with Jacque and friends Friday night, so I was forced to call out early and be home by midnight. Only of taste of the Bri they will know in the upcoming months.

So, at 7:55 we locked the front door and drove (yes, drove- no sidewalks here) to St. Edwards park. After studying the map as best we could and determining that we would NOT be trying the "difficult" paths we took off.

Needless to say, we got lost several times. Not really "lost" but unsure of which trail we were actually on. That, coupled with the constant insane beeping since I flipped the settings on my Garmin, made for a humorous run. At one point I actually turned the darn thing off on accident, so there's a nice gap in the route that I uploaded. Oops! We only actually spent about 20 minutes running, but with the frost still on the ground and this being our first time out, we felt pretty good with it.

Actually, I felt great with it. I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful thing! Trail running! What a concept!


Blisters and pressure

There's two things that are pretty much guaranteed to make me cranky: bad workouts and being hungry.

Both of them are a factor in my mood tonight- which really sucks because it was a gorgeous day in Seattle! I could easily solve one by going downstairs and snacking on something in the fridge- except there's nothing to eat down there!

So, instead, I'll get this off my chest, grab my shoes and head to a friend's house and maybe grab something on the way.

I've been having workouts that haven't been up to my own expectations recently. I know I ran a marathon just 19 days ago- so taking some time off is necessary. Especially to heal the large blood filled blister on my middle right toe. Which has now opened up and has exposed several layers of skin. Eww. But, this week, I started running again, just a couple miles. Last night, I had to cut it short due to a blister forming on the ball of my right foot (what's up with the right side of my body??? Shin, knee, foot, neck...)

The problem is that I tend to have high pretty high expectations for myself. And, the people I see most in the gym are males- so I can't compare myself to that. But, it's difficult to be on the treadmill next to them sweating like a pig and in pain and they're just gliding along and at a faster speed. It's even worse when they start asking me questions and for advice because they're newer to running and know I've done several types of events and distances. I mean, it's awesome that they trust and respect my opinion and want to hear about my experiences, but sometimes, when it's going rough, I just want to put my head down and slog through. I love these guys though and it's much easier to get my butt to the gym knowing they'll be there. And they do tell me quite a bit how cool/awesome/inspiring my stories are to them... which always makes me blush a little, but deep down it makes me feel really good- at least when it's inspiring. In fact two people I work with just registered for the Seattle Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon, which neither would have done without me- I actually filled out the entry form for one. :)

I need to remind myself that everyone has bad days, from novices to elites and it's nothing to dwell on! So now, I'm going to find something delicious to eat and go hang out with some fun friends.

Run hard!


Chilly Ride

Finally! It was dry enough and 'warm' enough for a bike ride. Okay, so I do ride in the rain sometimes, but I'd prefer not to, especially not winter rain. I hadn't been on a bike outside since sometime in September, maybe October. I woke up this morning and the sun was shining, and when I took the recycle out it seemed pretty warm. I had put air in Casper's tires the other day, so I checked the chain and brakes and headed down to the trail for a flat easy 30 minute ride.

I love my bike!!!! I bought my Cervelo P2C (Casper) late last summer with only one race left to go so I haven't ridden it much. I stare longingly at it everyday though. It wasn't as warm as it had been at home and the clouds were rolling in, but man, that bike just begs to be ridden!!! He loves the curves.

When I finished there were some men gathering in the parking lot for their ride and they all turn and look and ones says "Wow. That looks like a fast bike!" so I say, "It tries to be!!" He comes over and asks if I'm a triathlete and then we get to talking a little about riding and bikes- to which I'm still definitely considered a novice.

It's a pretty cool feeling for people to stare at my bike- hopefully I can ride it well and do it justice!


Garmin 305

Tonight was my first official run with my new Garmin 305. Okay, so I know it's not the newest model out there, but it was free. Well, pretty much free. I had enough "reward" points at work to get it. It arrived just before the Surf City Marathon, but I held off using it knowing that I might get addicted and three days wouldn't be enough to learn it well enough to run a marathon.

So tonight after work I headed out for a short run. The weather was perfect- just crisp and clear enough to need a lightweight long-sleeved top and gloves. I haven't quite mastered the buttons on my new toy yet, and the Heart Rate settings aren't totally customized to me yet, so the beeping was a little out of control as it yelled at me to speed up or slow down, and told me my heart right was too high or too low. However, I could easily ignore it for a couple miles. It was so cool to see how my heart race or pace changed on a hill. I love it!!!

Anyway, at the end of my run I could see my average heart rate and pace. Not bad. And I loved being able to see my run mapped out and how far it actually was instead of guesstimating.

Basically- I love my Garmin 305!!!! I can't wait to learn all the functions so I can maximize it's potential.

Anyway, I just made a delicious pasta/vegetable dinner that I must go eat. Mmmm, butternut squash ravioli!



I'm sick. bleh. Looks like another day off.



I got released from physical therapy this morning. Last March I was in a car accident and went through several weeks of physical therapy and then was released, with the agreement that I'd finish my season and see how things were going. Well, come November, my head is still having difficulty turning right and there's a weird click. Even after taking some time off. This was not normal so I headed back to my doc who sent me for more physical therapy. Dr. Phil (lol) kicked my butt. He had me using stretch bands and weights at 7 am! But, I've built up enough strength and flexibility to be released. The click is still there, but my range of motion is great. Phil said I'll need to keep up with the strength probably forever... I'm okay with that- at least for now. So, hopefully I'll be able to settle from the accident soon. Yay!


Finally getting a training blog!

After several years of racing, I'm finally creating a training/racing blog. It's about time! I have a feeling this is going to be a big year for me- learning a lot, trying a lot, racing a lot- and I want to get it all down. What works... what doesn't.

So, welcome to my blog. I'm Iron Bri :)