
Miss me?

It's a simple question really. Not unexpected after someone asks your roommate where you are and then texts asking the same two days later. Why can't he just admit that yes, sometimes he misses me, and obviously has been thinking about me.

Anyway. I didn't run yet today. I haven't exactly been an angel on the diet and hydration. Been to BK twice, Del Taco once and haven't actually had a real meal today. However, I am laying on the beach getting some vitamin D. Which will probably wind up as a burn. I don't really care right now though. I'm in SoCal clearing my head! Or trying to anyway. Things keep sneaking back in. If I were a good triathlete I'd be running along the beach right now. But as I've run near 100 miles along this beach, I will settle for staying put and trying not to get attacked by a seagull.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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