

It appears as though Seattle is rapidly moving into fall- or at least it did this last long weekend of summer. Torrential (sp?) Downpours and even a tornado. Yes. Tornedo in western Washington. Apparently we have one every two years or so. Interesting. Anyway, we had enough clear weather on Saturday for ex-roomie and I to take a trip to Ikea (where I was oddly recognized) and then to my mom's to pick up a futon. Dry weather the entire time.

Sunday I tried to go for a bike ride and explore my new area and wouldn't you know, as soon as I got down the block it started to drizzle. And then downpour. I had opted out of a rain jacket in favor of a warm long sleeved fleece lined jacket, shorts and knee warmers. I would have worn the rain jacket but I can't find my arm warmers! This is critical. I LOVE those things. For running, for cycling, for hanging out in general. Ok not really, but they are frequently used as I prefer tanks and arm warmers over long sleeves. Odd, I know. At least it's back to sun this week so I have a few more days to look... So much for riding to work though!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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