

I've got the cold that just will not go away! It's been about a month now and every time I think I'm getting better I either get a ridiculous cough or a runny nose, and lazy.

Friday I had decided that I would finally make my return appearance to spinning class. Eric let me know that it was at 8:30 Saturday morning, so I made sure to get to bed early on Friday (after seeing Watchmen). I got to the gym at 7:50 and the class was already full. I knew it was a popular class but that's just crazy. I guess they allow 8 slots to be filled up to a week early by pre-paying one dollar. I can kind of see how that might be a good thing during the week with traffic always so crazy- but really! On a Saturday morning??

My spinning buddies got there at 7:30 and were the last two on the list. I hit up the stair machine, saw a co-worker and chatted for a few minutes and then hopped on the treadmill hoping someone wouldn't show up for class. And Hooray!!! At 8:33 Eric came out and told me there was a free bike. Instructor Rick is pretty strict and insists on people being on time, so even if the tardy person had shown up, he may not have let them in. Well, it was pretty apparent that I hadn't been in awhile. But at the end it felt soooo great. Looks like I'm going to be getting myself up on Saturdays now for spinning. Woohoo!

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