

101 days until Ironman. That's it. Such a short time period when you think about it. Just over 2400 hours.

Tonight I'm going running with Minor and Jacque. The three of us haven't ran together since last summer so it's much overdue. I've ran with each of them, and we've been in the gym together, but no really outdoor wind and rain runs. And boy do I need it!  My little inspirational buddies are back! yay!!!


Back from Vegas!

We made it back from Vegas in one piece late Saturday night! Actually that wasn't too difficult, we didn't partake in too much Vegas craziness. Just enough to enjoy ourselves and the experience and have some fun. Although Philip might tell you that walking the wrong direction, and then really far for sushi might not be fun. But that was some good sushi!

I had a great time with him, no arguing or drama or anything of the sort. Just good together time. I think we learned more about eachother and appreciate eachother more too. It was fun to see him get so excited over the big things - 311- but also going crazy over the Amazing Race slot machine!


8 out of 10

... I'd say about 8 out of 10 people are really bugging me this week. I'm overly irritable, but seriously- the things people say/do/act.