
brisk fall run

There's nothing better than a brisk fall evening run with good people. I met up with my old roomie and one of my current roomies for a 5 mile run last night. Old roomie (Joram) is running the Seattle Half Marathon in a few weeks and wanted someone a little faster than him to help push his pace for a shortish run. So, the rain held off and we met at the Sammamish River trail for a run before dark. A simple 2.5 miles out and then back. We warmed up quickly and chatted easily for the first two miles or so, then kind of fell into a zone and the chatter died off. Until about the last three quarters of a mile, Joram started to push the pace a little- so naturally I had to hold him to it. Even though I already knew we were going to easily negative split the run. And negative we did, but exactly 2 minutes over 2.5 miles. Whee!!! What a great run. Afterwards we sat in the parking lot for a few minutes eating banana-nut muffins that Joram had brought. Jacque and I were grateful for the delish!

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