
post Ironman

I think I'm still dealing with some post-Ironman depression, or lack of motivation at least. That big race that I thought about day in and day out is over. And that sucks. Even though the day was great. Where was I supposed to go now? Take crucial time off for recovery and rest. It seemed to pointless, but I tried it. I did an easy relay with some friends the next weekend, but haven't done any other races or events since.  And it is showing in my running. And my swimming. And how badly my bike seat is hurting me again. (I think I need a new saddle- any thoughts?) It's also a lot of mental cobwebs though.  Last night my hammy was hurting during one of the worst five mile runs I've ever done. And I just kept thinking "why??"   It's not really the attitude I want to have when my first sprint this year is this weekend. YES! End of August and I'm finally getting off my booty and doing something. I don't see any top three AG finishes for this girl. Sigh. But it should be fun on a new course.

On a personal note. I had two very different phone conversations last night. One left me frustrated and exhausted.  I don't even want to get into it. The other, and I'm so glad it came second, put a smile on my face.  Until his phone died and that was it.  Truly a great conversation on a Thursday night.  I've noticed that in the last month or so, I've been using more minutes on my phone with people and less texting. Oh, slightly more personal contact is a good thing. Although, I love that my mom is now texting so I can just drop her a short note asking to send a recipe or telling here when I'm going to be taking over the spare room for the weekend. Lovely.

Anyway. I've been really happy lately.  I don't get to see M as much as I'd like and last night we realized it would be a full week between visits. To which he replied "This sucks. I kinda miss you!" Aww. He misses me! I blushed.

(BTW, saw something that said there are still a few general entry spots open for IM CDA 2011.... I'm afraid to go to the site to check with my credit card anywhere near me.....)

1 comment:

  1. I hope your race yesterday went well! I can't wait to hear about it.
