
trail run

I'll never understand why people go trail running and wear headphones.  I personally have never found more enjoyment and solitude in running through the woods by myself hearing every footstep land, cracking twigs, slapping rocks and tripping over roots. Listening to birds flitting about in the trees and imaging what kind of little woodland creature I've frightened with my gasping breath as I pass by and hear them scampering off.  I had a great run this morning. It's hot here again- around 80 already when I returned at noon- and in the woods there's not really a breeze and it's muggy- I didn't take water. I never take anything with me when I run out there except my Garmin. And even then sometimes I wish I didn't- but I could find myself out there for hours and I really should keep track of time and distance since trying to guess at either out there would be a huge failure.

I saw a horse today. Completely unexpected. I know people ride out there since there's frequently large piles left in the middle of the trail by them- haha poor mountain bikers! But I found myself semi-lost today (it's impossible to actually get lost at these trails since there's so many intersections, I think the furthest with out a trail marker is .8 miles) but I turned left instead of right or something and went on a a different trail than I tried to plan.  A ways out there I come around a corner to see a huge horse just yards away.  Of course I stepped off the trail quickly so I wouldn't spook it and so the rider could pass easily. The horse could have cared less that I was only feet from it as it passed and ther rider wished me a good run. I forget how HUGE those animals are! And magnificent. 

And as I left the trail, I saw a snake. This time alive and slithering across the path- I narrowly missed it with my right foot but amazingly it didn't seem to bother me that much. Within minutes it was out of my mind. Progress.

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