
So many thoughts running through my head right now. So many things to say. Some of them not appropriate for this audience as I know it would likely be retold. Others are 100% pertinent, but not what I want to write about right now.

I basically just don't want to be at work right now. It's a gorgeous Friday afternoon. Big plans tonight, birthday party for Ali and then hanging out with M.A. later on.  Can't wait to see him again.

Oh, lesson learned last night though. Eating Thai food before running intervals is not wise.  I had lunch around noon and then finished my yummy leftovers around three- so when I ran a little after five, I wasn't totally digested. Uuuuuughhhhh.


  1. C'mon Bri, you're killin' me smalls! :) I hope that WHATEVER it is that is making you so giddy = happy happy happiness for you! Hey, btw, are you running the torchlight run and doing that morning tri that you always do? Wish I could be there! Been running/swimming a lot, but going for my first bike ride in a YEAR on Tuesday...geez, what's wrong w/me? Glad you're happy!

  2. Lisa!!!

    I broke tradition and didn't do either race this weekend. Just decided that I needed to think smart about which races I pick since I'm getting old. Didn't help that I slacked on registration and prices went up. I am racing this coming weekend though. Just a little sprint tri at a course I haven't done since 2008. Should be fun.

    Have fun on the bike ride! Are there a lot of hills near you?

  3. Biking was fun...gonna have one SORE bum tomorrow. Yes, lots of hills (we are,after all, at HILL AFB! :) But also some nice quiet trails out in the country along a river. We did have to go screaming down about a mile long hill in heavy traffic. I thought I was going to DIE and just about peed my pants. That, my friend, is why I do not prefer cycling! Glad you are choosing your races wisely...good for the pocketbooks, and yes, our OLD rickety bodies!
