
include me on the memo please!

Dear Class of '98,
  The next time a memo goes out that dictates that by the age of 30 we all need to be married, divorced, have children, purchased our second home or moved to Europe- can you please include me on this? I've done none of the above! Heck, I haven't even purchased my first home. Here I am, wasting time doing this crazy running/triathlon thing instead of sitting at bars, grocery stores, coffee shops waiting for Prince Charming. Silly me.  I guess I also missed the memo in college that we're either supposed to marry our college love, or reconnect with someone from elementary school and fall in love with them. Well, crap. I lived in Germany back then, so my odds are slim! All I'm saying is that a forewarning of the big things I'm supposed to accomplish by such milestone bdays would be nice. 40 is next-- is that enough time??
 Single/childless Bri

Hahaha. It seems like facebook is only used to announce engagements, pregnancies and births. I've been totally using it for the wrong messages! Oh well.

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