
a day late....

I woke up this morning at 7:13 my heart racing, sweating, unable to catch my breath. I had just had one of the worst dreams of my life. I don't recall that I've ever had one of the 'forgot to study for a big test' or 'where are my pants???' dreams. Until now. I dreamt that I missed Ironman. I was in Idaho with my family. My mom, sister and nieces were there. For some reason I was swimming in a pool with my sister. Just doing laps (and for some reason I remember that the locker room was huge and maze-like). There was a bunch of high school aged and younger kids there too, not on a team. Just there. Swimming. I was wearing my wetsuit. I don't know why since it was an indoor pool.  I think I was testing out goggles because I vaguely remember diving in and one pair suctioning to my face so tightly that I couldn't open my eyes.  I found a pair that worked and as I got out of the pool I said "Alright, these are my Ironman goggles" to which someone said "You're doing Ironman next year?" I said "No, tomorrow..."   And the reply I got was "It's today. It already started. 30 minutes ago. You missed it" 

I ran over to the window of the pool and looked down on the lake and sure enough- the waters were churning and hundreds of people were watching. "No!!! I missed it! I'm supposed to be there. I have time! I have 2 hours and 20 minutes to do that swim, they're 30 minutes in. I can do it, I have to get there now!" But I didn't have all my gear sorted out. My bike was checked in and I was wearing my wetsuit but I didn't have all my other stuff. Sunglasses, hat, the little things that can seem like such a big deal on race morning. I had my running shoes, so I went running down to the race start- in my wetsuit. I was begging and pleading with them to let me in, showing them my athlete's bracelet that we all get a check-in. I was crying "but I've been  training, I'm supposed to be there. I can do the swim in time! You have to let me in!" 

I don't know if they did or not, but good grief, what a thing to wake up to on my day off.  This is why I set mutiple alarm clocks!!

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