So, I started having some strange chest pains in December and some difficulty breathing. I finally gave in an went to the doctor a few weeks ago. The EKG came back perfect. My lungs sounded great. Blood tests were good, only a slightly elevated potassium level but nothing to worry about. I left with an albuterol inhaler and the instructions to take it a little easier, and do a lot of sinus cleansing.
My breathing has gotten better, which has been positive. But the pains in the left side of my chest... otherwise known as the area of the heart.... has not subsided. It's pretty much just made me more aware of it. All. The. Time. There seems to always be just something going on there, and then every so often it gets bad.
So, I went back to the doctor today. And now I get to see a cardiologist. Oh joy. Fun times with a stress test.
But the question is.... when did I become that kind of runner. The kind that when she's told she's being sent to a cardiologist asks the doctor... "Do I need to stop running for now?? Because I'm doing a half marathon in a week and a half" The doc gave me an incredulous look. "Well, these things can be scheduled pretty quickly, so why don't we see how that goes first?" And I left, sad and downtrodden. And tonight in the gym I felt guilty and didn't run. Hello stationary bike. :(
So, tomorrow I will call and make an appointment to run on a treadmill all hooked up to a machine and hope for the best.
So....what's the outcome? Are you running this weekend or what?