I spent most of yesterday (after my run) sitting on the couch watching Ironman Arizona live online. It was beautimous. Chrissie Wellington set a new womans' record on an official Iroman course. By something like11 minutes. In. Cred. Ible. That's really all one can say. I'm so glad these Ironman races are streamed online and throughout the year. It really helps keep me motivated, especially on a crappy snowy day like today. Even though I went to happy hour after work with some coworkers, I ventured back to the gym to put a couple miles on the treadmill. Just a few, but better than nothing. AND, I only had water and kept my eating to a minimum. It's quite possible that I've just found my year-round motivation. I just have to make it a few weeks in between races, plan a long run or ride and then plant myself on the couch and get ready to shed some tears.
On the other hand, these crappy days at work make it easy to just want to curl up under green blankie and sleep. Oh, green blankie- quite possibly one of the best things my mother has ever made for me. When my niece, Emily, was just a baby I used to take her little blankets and lay them on myself to make one big blanket and nap on the couch. Being the awesome mom that she is, my mother made me a Bri-sized blankie in my favorite soft material. And I swear, that thing puts me to sleep like a car ride for an infant. Joram used to yell at me for trying to watch football with him while snuggled up to green blankie. Inevitably, I would fall asleep. Everytime. Even now, when I can't sleep I curl up with only that blanket and most often I'm out within minutes. It even went to the last Ironman with me. And apparently, Emily fell asleep with it while we were sharing a hotel bed. Ali tells me I woke up pulled it off her and turned over and went back to sleep. I'm a bad Auntie!!!
Ooh, and big things are on the horizon. Stay tuned.
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