It's high time for me to get my @ss in gear and really start training! Eindhoven was done on a whim, but I've got the Seattle half in November and the HB half in Feb. Not to mention that little relay with Lisa and Wendi in Utah next summer! These last two weeks have been absolutely terrible for motivation and running. At least I walked to and from work all week! About 30 minutes each way.
I just want to go home though! I'm sitting in the hotel in Amsterdam, right by the airport, so it's not convenient to go into the city. I mean, I could, but going alone SUCKS!!!! On the plus side, I only have about 20 hours to kill before I have to check in at the airport- and I'm hoping at least 7 of those will be sleeping!
The airport does have some great shops though, maybe I should wander and try to find some things for my nieces and maybe some chocolate for me :)
Happy Trails! Don't stress about the relay either. You've got it in the bag! PS Kari got your check. Has she contacted you yet? Wendi hasn't payed for the relay yet and our team is now full (if you include her). Yikes, she should probably pay soon...I didn't think it would fill up so fast!