

It really pisses me off when people say to me "Why don't you take a real vacation?" when I've just told them that my two vacations next year  so far are to SoCal for a half marathon and to Utah for a 188 mile relay. My response "How is that not a real vacation? I'm traveling to relax and do something I love with people I enjoy spending time with."   Response, "I know, but vacations are supposed to be somewhere tropical, on the beach with Corona in hand" 

Well, sorry if I'm not the lazy type that only enjoys working on my skin cancer with my muffin top hanging over my bikini bottoms making poor life decisions that I will surely soon regret and hoping no one got it on camera. Oh, wait. I don't have a muffin top. Because I actually work out.  Like, truly work out and don't eat crap 24 hours a day. Sure, I eat more junk than I probably should, but I'll point out that I probably do more sweating in two workouts than most people do all week. All month even.  

It's not like I haven't been to Hawaii and had my share of late nights and margaritas. Or down to SoCal to get some vitamin D and hang out at some bars. Even made some bad decisions along the way- which I KNOW there's video of.... yes, falling on my face while walking down the street.  :)  I just happen to be the one that gets up early the next morning to run and ENJOY the place that I've traveled to. And if I can do something I love, and still enjoy my vacation. All the better. I'm not one of those people that returns from a trip after living a 180 degree lifestyle to need a vacation to recover from my vacation.  I come back and fall into my routine, happy that I haven't gained a pound. Vacations are about experiences. And I've had some incredible ones.

So, I'm sick of being called 'skinny bitch' when I eat a donut, by someone who also just ate one. And then another a half hour later.  I'm sorry. If you want to be a 'skinny bitch' how bout limiting it to one donut, and maybe some crunches.  I'm 5'8" just under 140lbs, under 20% body fat.

  Yes, I eat cake.  Hate me.  I dare you.