
Days away!

I'm only a few days from my second Ironman now. And I feel sick. Like I'm getting a really bad cold. Seriously?!? I was sick two years ago- to the day!

On the bright side, I've finished 10 of the 11 shirts for my 'cheerleaders' for sunday. I think they look really cute! I'm hoping they fit everyone well. I had some troubles placing the design on the front since all my women are much more well endowed than I am. Stretching is not something I have to concerm myself with. Oh well, it's just one day!

Tomorrow I have the day off work. I will be laundering, packing, re-packing, shopping, working out and freaking out all day. I meet my sis and niece early Thursday and it's off to CDA! More posts from there, and pixs too!
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fueling the desire

It's strange how the things that give us the desire to "do" things changes. Sometimes almost daily. Some days I'm really bummed and just don't want to get out of bed and run. My desire is to sit by myself and eat copious amounts of junk food and never run again (and pretend that I will magically stay thin).

Other days that same thing that bums me out makes me want to run and run and run. Until I can't run any further and I have no idea where I am. Lately it's kind of been fear of Ironman motivating me. But also for the last two months it's been helping deal with some things. 

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But that also fuels my desire. It reminds me that I have things that I love. People that I love. Things I love to do. And that this all makes me a better person. And strengthens my character and heart.  And someday someone will appreciate all that. And if no one ever does, then I've got plenty of things to keep me busy. Goals to set. Far off places to travel to run and relax. Two beautiful little girls to be a role model for.

And speaking of... they will be here in something like 30 hours! I cannot wait!


taper time

I'm officially in a taper for the last few days continuing through race day. And what is it doing to me? It's killing me! I'm still always hungry and not eating well- I fear I'm packing on the pounds and my bike shorts are going to split on the ride. Hmm. Actually, I probably should put extra shorts in one of my bags. Also, Sunday was supposed to be my "rest" day. Yeah... a beautiful day in Seattle and I'm not going to do ANYthing?? Probably not. I went up to the trails by the house with Jacque... and promptly proceeded to twist my left ankle. Again. Just like I did before Vegas. Just like I do almost every time I run up there. Although, this time it was like pre-Vegas. It still hurts four days later. Really not my smartest moment. So, while I have it elevated right now at work, it still noticeably aches and I haven't ran since. I guess we'll see how it goes tonight for a 4-5 miler. 



Wow. Just heard a song by Lilly Allen "22"-- I'm really glad I didn't hear that last week when I  was about to turn 30. But, here I am. 30, and I've accepted that fact. It's just a number. I look great (or so I think anyway!!), I feel great, I'm doing things I love, I have some tremendous friends- not a huge overwhelming popularity contest, but the ones I have are so wonderful. I'm the luckiest girl alive!



I really don't like the term "Ironwoman" It makes it seem like I did the chick version of the race instead of being out there with the men, doing the same course, with the same time limits.  Men are supposed to be naturally faster due to body  composition and physiology, shouldn't they have tougher time restrictions then? Don't call me an IronWOMEN when I'm out there pushing just as hard as the MEN!