These are my thoughts- mostly triathlon and running related... but also the crazy little things that float around my head, day in and day out, making me want to run, or not run. Here's to smooth swims, long rides and strong runs!

Took a chance
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Half marathon- here I come!
Sunday I was just a mess. We all got up pretty early and hung out before dragging ourselves for breakfast at the Maltby Cafe. Possibly my best breakfast experience ever. Headed home and back to bed. For hours. I was so out of it and feeling like crap until one of my roommates grabbed a coke for me. Fifteen minutes later I was a champ. Starting to worry about how crappy I feel if I don't have sugars.
Decided I felt great enough to try out the trails about a mile from the house. AMAZING. Even though I turned off my Garmin for about half of it. The hour went by so fast. I've found a new love with trail running! At least these shorter easier runs. My legs are still a little sore- but the good kind. Like I've been weight lifting. I'm so excited to get muddy this fall!! In fact, I think I'll run there tonight!
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So, this is kind of cool...

On another more uplifting note- I started training for the Seattle half marathon. One of my favorite races and the one I hold my 1/2 PR at. Let's see how much better I can do this year. I'm still in the goal setting phase but I'm hoping for 1:48. Go big or go home
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday I tried to go for a bike ride and explore my new area and wouldn't you know, as soon as I got down the block it started to drizzle. And then downpour. I had opted out of a rain jacket in favor of a warm long sleeved fleece lined jacket, shorts and knee warmers. I would have worn the rain jacket but I can't find my arm warmers! This is critical. I LOVE those things. For running, for cycling, for hanging out in general. Ok not really, but they are frequently used as I prefer tanks and arm warmers over long sleeves. Odd, I know. At least it's back to sun this week so I have a few more days to look... So much for riding to work though!
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Have a Heart!
When I was six, my maternal grandmother died of a heart attack. I remember just a horrible feeling in the house and then my mom was gone for a few days and my other grandparents came to stay with my sister and I. He lived in WA and at the time we lived in Northern CA, but were only weeks away from moving to Germany.
Did you know the Heart Association also raises money and researches to combat against stroke? Just over three years ago, my first niece was born (Emily). She had a minor stroke the day she arrived- nearly a month early. Bet you didn't know that stroke in infants is almost as common as it is in the elderly. However, she's 3 now, a little firecracker and my future triathlete.
And just a couple months ago, the day after my 29th bday, I was at my mom's getting ready for my first triathlon of the season the next day. My dad was there too and he seemed a little off. Tired, dizzy, etc. I thought it was because he wasn't stressed and not taking care of himself and eating enough- so I forced some food on him. My aunt (the retired OR Nurse) checked his blood pressure and pulse and everything seemed ok. But I was still worried. After much convincing he finally went to the doctor. As it turns out, he had a minor stroke. Right there in front of us. Looking back, he showed some of the symptoms but we had no clue. Fortunately it was so minor that he doesn't have any effects from it, but they're still running a bunch of tests to see what's going on. (Dizziness, nausea, fainting, fatigue, etc) So far, CT Scan, MRI and then an ENG? Checking his heart, his head, his ears.... So basically- the Heart Walk is important to me! Please help spread the word!