
homeless :(

Okay, so... I move to Boston in 13 days. At the other end, I don't have a place to live. This might concern a normal person. I am not a normal person. I am a worrier. Therefore, I am stressed. To the Nth power. And then some.  Myself and all of my worldly belongings are being relocated 3100 miles away- with no real destination on the other end. Okay, so my belongings have 30 days in storage. I might wind up in a hotel for 30 days, then what? I'm out of money and homeless. Ironman is just over three months away, and I'm supposed to be learning new job.

I'm a planner of sorts. I like to know what I'll be doing this weekend, where my next check is coming from and where I'll be sleeping, call me crazy- but I don't have the nomad instincts like some people.  Sure, I'm sure I can beg a few people to sleep on their couch if needed, but that will only buy me a couple extra weeks. And a lot of karma debt. 

Sigh. What am I doing? Can someone please explain the rationale to me???

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