

I made 4 New Year’s Resolutions this year.

1. Run a sub-2hr half marathon.
2. Take more risks
3. Lose weight, down to 135lb
4. Ironman Arizona

Well, here we are only about six weeks into the New Year and things are going well for me in resolution land. I ran sub 2 hours on February 6. (1:57:41). Nothing stellar by any means, but under two and I’m pretty happy about it. I’m getting better at realizing how much I can exert before it hurts and even my day to day training is better. Still having chest pains, but my heart won’t explode.

Take more risks. Okay, just life in general. But particularly right now I was referring to dating. I’ve been on two ‘dates’ this week. Last Thursday was with a guy from match.com (don’t judge!) and that was not good. Nice enough guy, just nothing there and I felt like I was interrogating him trying to get him to talk. I’m a talker, I like there to be a lot of conversation flow- especially at first when you just meet someone. TONS to talk about. Friday night I went out with a girlfriend for a drink in Ballard, for some reason I wanted to stay longer. And a little while later this random guy starts talking to me. And he’s really funny, and really charming, and his friends are nice. So we decided to stay for a bit and when the bar shut down he got my number. He’d had a few drinks so I didn’t think he’d remember me, or he’d think he looked like an ass and I wouldn’t hear from him. But lo, the next day- a text. And then another. And all weekend we texted. Last night we went out and it was one of the easiest most comfortable and exciting dates ever. Very casual but fun. I can’t wait to see him again on Friday!

Lose weight. Well, that will happen naturally during Ironman training. But, I will admit that it hit me hard to go to the doc and find I was at my heaviest EVER. 147lb. And I know I intentionally did some gaining but I didn’t think I was over 145, I know, I mere 2 lbs, but you know….. Once you hit 30 that damn metabolism slows! So, I know that will be taken care of shortly.

Ironman Arizona. I have some specific time and personal goals for this. However, I’m not willing to share them just yet. I’d like to see how my training goes before I put anything up and risk disappointment. But they are very specific goals, and faster than 2010.


  1. OK, so first of all CONGRATS on already fulfiling some of your resolutions with it only being Feb! And can I just say I agree with you 100% on the metabolism going STRAIGHT downhill at 30. Like to the birthday. I have been fighting 5 measly pounds for months and it WILL NOT BUDGE. I guess I need to just cut the crap out of my diet...no more eating ice cream every night even if I'm burning at least 500 cals a day! If you find something that works for ya (besides ironman training...I'm NOT doing that!) let me know what it is! PS Are you doing any Ragnar specific training? I'm just gonna train for a half that happens in May and throw in A LOT of hill training, and then do several days of multiple runs (day and night).

  2. Lisa.... I'm definitely not making any specific training plans for Ragnar. I'll be just over three months into Ironman training at that point, so the distance won't (shouldn't!) be a problem. My main concern is the altitude and the incline of that last leg!! I talked to some friends and they're up for doing some mountain runs up Steven's and Snoqualmie passes this spring. Silly Ultra runners and their ideas of fun!

  3. Oh yeah. Forgot about that whole Ironman thing. HELLO! You will be the fittest one out there FO SHO.

  4. Oh Lisa, I'm not sure about the fittest- but I'll vie for the award of most insane!

    My miles have definitely dropped over the last few weeks. I blame crossfit. I love it, but there's no introduction period. Straight into the crazy workouts with people that have been doing it for ages. I'm old!!!!
