
motivate me!

I need some motivation. I need someone to kick me in the butt (not literally) and get me going. I'm a few weeks into Iromman training and I'm just not feeling it. I dread the long workouts. I still enjoy the short, but the thought of going for anything over an hour- I shudder. I don't know if it's because I've done it once before and it's not NEW AND EXCITING.

Maybe I've just got the winter blues. The days are still short so squeezing in outdoor workouts of any length is difficult. Plus work sucks. I've decided that no more OT. I can't be at work from 7:30 to 5:30 everyday and then for a few hours on the weekend. I like 8-4:30 and no Saturdays :)

However- VEGAS in 13 days! Wheeee! We're going to have so much fun!!!!


  1. Dailyburn.com!!! Log in, join a group and get accountability. :) Take it from someone who never works out. haha.

  2. Motivation you say...how about...

    Think about how good it will feel to cross the finish line and know what you accomplished.

    Think about what you are physically capable and all those that physically cannot but would give anything to.

    Think about the pre-race butterflies and how good it feels to hit the water and know you can do it.

    And if all that fails, think about how hot you'll look in a swimsuit after logging another season of IM training!
