Sooo... I'm moving to Austin.
2.5 years ago my best friend and I visited because thought it sounded cool and everyone I knew had great things to say about it.
And then I met a guy that lives there.
So, I'm moving to Austin. For love.
In 3 weeks.
I'm currently in the freak out stage and getting rid of most of my worldly belongings. Which is actually good. I've wanted to have less 'stuff' for a long time but didn't know where to start or how to do it. But now, everything I own has to fit in a 7'11"x4'8"x7' box. 257 cubic feet.
So, it's a challenge. Most of my furniture isn't coming with. I've downsized my closet and kitchen quite a bit.
But, I'm excited to be able to workout again year round outdoors. Well... we'll see how that goes in the summer... perhaps just a LOT of swimming....
But, on the other side. I don't have a job. Mine is only keeping me remote until March 31. Needless to say, I'm worrying. A bit. Ok, a lot.
And the 50 miler is on hold. Sad face.