
I should have been Dutch

I should have been Dutch. I should have been born to a tall lanky blonde couple just outside of Amsterdam. Instead, I was born to an American couple temporarily living in southern Germany.  But, I should have been Dutch.  The Dutch love their bicycles.  They ride everywhere. I know part of it is because the price of petrol is crazy high there so owning a vehicle is just crazy, but it's also because they country is so flat and it just makes sense. They're an ecologically friendly and health driven people.  And they're tall. And blonde. And look great in skinny jeans tucked into fabulous boots. 
I should have been Dutch. 
I love my parents and my family, but we should be Dutch. 


Another surgery, another season off

I had shoulder surgery in April 2012. April 2013, hip surgery. Neither of these were Ironman related. Or even sports related. I'm completely pissed that I had to take two years off from racing for stupid stupid things. And now, the marathon distance may just be a faraway memory. Sigh. What's a girl to do?

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