

Tomorrow I finally get internet at my place! I will once again be able to stream Netflix endlessly and post real updates to my blog. Like how the removal of the bike rack came to be, and how that story ended with me seeing a hand specialist.....ah, good times!!

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Avoiding it all.....

It's Saturday night and I'm avoiding everything and being quite the hermit. It's really an accomplishment since I don't have cable or internet to entertain me. Yay for Netflix and borrowed movies.

I'm trying to get my head in the game for Ironman training, but with an injured wrist I haven't wanted to hit the pool and have only been on the stationery bike. I've been rocking it though. Today was 2 hours 15 minutes on the bike, followed immediately by 30 minutes of running. I wimped out and did the treadmill, and damn that hurt!!!! I hate brick workouts. But I love the eating that comes after!!

I finally see the hand specialist on Monday. I'm really nervous. What if I have to have surgery? Ironman is still pretty far out, but all the other events I was planning on.... didn't wear my brace today after my workout since it was a sweaty nasty mess. Most I've used my hand in near two weeks. I didn't like it. And because I'm freaking out, I keep poking at my wrist where I hit it. Definitely have a tender sore spot that I can feel the tingling into my elbow when I touch it. Creepy, and gross.

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ugh ugh ugh

My infamous mistake of the bike rack and covered parking keeps getting worse. I think I may have done some damage to the door seals when removing the part that bolts onto the car.  Seriously. Seriously??!?!?!?

Still waiting for a call from the "hand specialist" to see what my wrist ligament injury means. Here's how the call from the receptionist went last week

R: Hi Bri. The radiologist has looked at your xrays and there's nothing broken.
Me: Oh great!
R: But, you do have a wrist ligament injury.
Me: Okay.... so, what does that mean?
R: Um, that means you have an injury to a ligament in your wrist....
Me: I meant, what are the next steps.....
R: Oh. She's referring you to a hand specialist.
Me: Okay, great  >F! F! F!<

And more, F#$%^&*(*_)(*()**(*^&%^)++_@__++!!!!!!!!!!


....short story

So, short story. I don't have internet yet at the new apartment (moved last weekend). It did not go as planned. In short, no longer have a roof rack on my car and in my frustration I used my hand as a hammer and have injured a ligament in my wrist. More to follow....

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